Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stucco Repair - Best Left to the Professionals

A couple years ago, I attempted to do my own stucco repair on a large area that I had cut out for a door. I soon realized that I should have called the experts to help me out with Queens stucco repair because getting the new stucco to match the old stucco proved to be impossible. To this day, I find myself looking at the spot that I finished and grumbling to myself about there being a time and a place for professional contractors. So, contact the experts at to do your stucco repair right if you have a large area of damaged or removed stucco. If the area is smaller than your fist, you can try doing it yourself and hope for the best! Here's some instructions for the stucco do-it-yourselfer:

First - the stucco recipe:

•½ bag (47 lbs.) portland cement
•6 shovels brick or mason's sand, slightly damp
•1 shovel hydrated lime
•½ cup acrylic bonding agent

You can also use a ready-made mix for your stucco repair Bronx. Use your wheelbarrow to blend the ingredients together with a shovel or mortar hoe. Add the acrylic bonding agent, then stir with water. The mix should reach the consistency of frosting - any more and you will find it unworkable. Once you add the water, you have about 60 minutes before it hardens, depending on the temperature - so work fast!

Wait until the spring for your New York Stucco repair because nighttime freezes will ruin your work. Alternately, hot and dry weather will suck the moisture out of your stucco repair, creating cracks from fast curing. So, work in the shade and mist the stucco with water frequently.

It's important to wear gloves for your stucco repair Queens. The alkalis in cement are hard on the skin.

Now - to the difficult part. It is nearly impossible to match the exact color of the old stucco. To make this happen - you'll likely have to pain or stain the entire area around the repair You can cover the patch with acrylic elastomer as well to seal any developing hairline cracks. Whatever product you use to cover the patch, make sure it was made for stucco, which means it is alkaline tolerant and permeable to water. Otherwise, it'll have to be redone in short time.

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