Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can You Paint Your Vinyl Siding?

Over the past 20 or so years, technological breakthroughs have resulted in vinyl siding being the most popular type of siding used on houses today. Thanks to increases in technology, vinyl siding can now be installed at a low price and requires almost no maintenance for as long as you have it. If you own a house or are thinking of buying a house that had vinyl siding applied prior to these technological breakthroughs, however, the siding may appear faded and in need of repair.

Before you think about spending some money on a new siding job, consider the option of painting the vinyl siding. You can regain the new home look and you can even change your home to a new color of siding.

Before beginning to paint over the vinyl siding, contact a vinyl siding professional. An experienced siding contractor will be able to determine whether the siding is worth painting over or whether you would be better off getting completely new siding. Additionally, you can find out how much it would cost to hire someone to paint the siding for you and then decide whether or not you want to do it yourself.

One of the major benefits of vinyl siding is that it requires very little maintenance. With a good siding job, you will have to put in a minimal amount of effort into keeping the it clean and sharp looking. You lose this benefit if you decide to paint. You might need to repaint the siding every 10 years.

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