Now that the new siding installation in your Park Slope home is complete, you’ll be spending more time outside, and you may want to recruit some birds to spend some time in your yard, too. Follow A Real Advantage Construction Inc.’s tips for creating a hanging bird basin for your yard.
1. Head to a local flea market and pick up a washbasin set (make sure the basin has a wide lip).
2. Cut a length of 18-gauge copper wire to equal the circumference of the bowl, plus 4 inches. Then, thread 2 inches of wire though a lead sleeve and loop it back through the sleeve. Pinch with needle-nose pliers to secure it.
3. Thread 8 sleeves onto this “ring” wire from the other end. Space them into pairs evenly and secure. Cut 4 pieces of the 18-gauge wire and loop one end of each hanging wire between each pair of lead sleeves. Secure the loop after slipping the sleeve onto the hanging wire.
4. Thread another sleeve onto the ring wire and form the ring wire into a circle by looping one end through the original loop and threading it through the last sleeve. Secure it and insert the basin. After twisting the hanging wires together a few inches from the top, form a hook and place a small rock in the basin to help small bird wade in the water.